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Windows 10 You Often Error? Here are Tips on How to Solve Windows Error Problems

Does your Windows 10 often have errors? Or often a logo like this appears?
Now, what if you find a BSOD on your computer? How do you solve windows 10 errors? There are several ways to fix the blue screen in Windows 10 which is haunting some windows users. So you don't need to panic, just follow our guide below.

How do you solve windows 10 errors

How to Solve Windows 10 Error, Follow the Following Guide:

1. Automatic Troubleshoot

Windows 10 provides a feature for fixing blue screen problems through an automatic solution check.

It's very easy, open the menu "Control Panel > Security and Maintenance". On the maintenance menu, a message will appear to check the problem solution after the blue screen occurs.

Press the button "Check for solusions" and wait for repair recommendations from windows. The system will check for problems in hardware and software.

Control Panel > Security and Maintenance

2. Recognize Codes/Error Messages

If the first step doesn't work to solve the blue screen problem on our laptop, the next step is to identify the cause of the problem.

Find the code or error message in the minidump file (already explained above), for example there is an error code 0x00000002 or a message "HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED".

error code 0x00000002 or a message "HAL_INITIALIZATION_FAILED"

Do a check through google or other search engines regarding the code or error message.

Usually many netizens share solutions to the blue screen events they experience and happen to be the same as the problem on our laptop.

3. Use System Restore

System restore will return Windows 10 to a state before the blue screen problem occurred. If this step is successful then the most likely cause is a software error.

This step can be done if you have created a restore point before.

4. Install Updated Drivers

Sometimes the cause of the blue screen is that there is a bug in the hardware driver released by the vendor. If there is the latest driver from the vendor, then update the driver to overcome the blue screen.

However, if the driver you are using is up to date, then rollback and use an older driver that was previously unproblematic.

5. Check for Virus / Malware in the System

Malware running in the system kernel can cause windows 10 to become unstable.

Do a scan using the latest antivirus to detect any malware that can cause a blue screen.

6. Enter Windows Safe Mode

If our laptop always shows a blue screen every time it is turned on, then log in windows through safe mode (safe mode). Through this mode, windows will load only the essential device drivers.

After successfully entering into safe mode, check the driver which is the cause of the blue screen.

7. Check Laptop Hardware

Your laptop hardware that is damaged or dirty can be the cause of the blue screen.

Try checking the memory, hard drive and laptop battery by removing it and then reinstalling it or by replacing the component with a new one.

8. Reinstall Windows

The last step if there is no suitable solution for the blue screen is to reinstall Windows on your Windows 10.

Don't forget to back up important data and software before reinstalling Windows.

Blue screen problems in general are rare. But if the incident happened to you, don't panic, follow the 8 ways to overcome the blue screen laptop on Windows 10 above and hopefully your problem can be resolved.